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Jenny Bisset is a licensed Acupuncturist serving the surrounding California Bay Area cities of San Carlos, San Mateo, Redwood City, Belmont, Menlo Park and Palo Alto.

The Clinic is Open

For those of you who prefer to stay home and still need some advice on your current health condition, or would like to discuss herbs and supplements, please   go to the online booking and select the time period you prefer, or call the office at 650 206.8116 to book on the phone. 

The Power of Acupuncture & Chinese Herbs

Imagine your Life Free from Stress and Pain… Acupuncture is one branch of the medical system called Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). This vast system offers powerful, effective and proven alternative treatments for most ailments including back pain, stress & anxiety, women’s issues and eye diseases.

Sometimes life, work and family can have us on constant overwhelm.

When our bodies start talking to us, giving us messages in the form of pain, stress or degenerative disease, these are important warning signs telling us that our physical and emotional health are in need of attention.

The power of acupuncture and natural medicine can point the way to transformation and healing, no matter how long you have waited.

Jenny’s specialty areas of Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine treatment:

Pain – all types of pain

Stress – from anything and everything – life, work, family, illness, overwhelm

Women’s health – PMS, menstrual issues, infertility, pregnancy, menopause

Eye diseases – management of macular degeneration, glaucoma, dry eye, Computer Vision Syndrome

“Jenny is an incredible acupuncturist, but more importantly, she exemplifies everything an excellent practitioner should be. She is extremely knowledgeable, flexible, genuinely caring and compassionate, and offers the best holistic care I’ve experienced. 

Jenny is resourceful, and is great about offering advice and recommendations on anything that might help her clients. I cannot recommend her highly enough.”  

 – Miriam M., Redwood City

Are you ready to get started with your new life?

Then take the following 3 steps:

1) Sign up for Jenny’s report called “Top 10 Reasons to try Acupuncture”. You’ll learn more about Chinese medicine and how it can work for you, and receive an occasional educational newsletter.

2). Like Jenny’s Facebook page (to the right). She’d love to have you be part of her community.

3) 3) Call 650 206-8116 to schedule your FREE 15 minute Holistic Health Assessment.

How does acupuncture work? Is it safe? How many treatments do I need?

Visit our FAQ section to get all the answers.

Don’t see what you’re looking for? Feel free to give Jenny a call!

Jenny’s goal is for you is to feel 100% comfortable about acupuncture treatment before scheduling your first full treatment appointment.

Jenny Bisset closeup smiling. She practices acupuncture & Traditional Chinese Medicine in the Bay Area city of San Carlos, CA

Schedule an Appointment with Jenny Today

Acupuncture In San Carlos, CA

Jenny Bisset DAOM, MSTCM, L.Ac.

Doctor of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine 650 206-8116

“The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will instruct his patient in the care of the human frame, in diet and in the cause and prevention of disease.”
Thomas Edison 1903

Acupuncture: A Gentle Touch in the Fight Against Cancer

Acupuncture: A Gentle Touch in the Fight Against Cancer

Hearing you’ve been diagnosed with cancer can feel like getting run over by a freight train. It can be overwhelming to learn about the prognosis, treatment options, and what to expect as you begin the journey that will hopefully lead to a full recovery. 

The aggressive treatments, often including chemotherapy and radiation, can leave patients feeling drained and in

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Acupuncture Offers Hope for Diabetes Management

Acupuncture Offers Hope for Diabetes Management

If you or someone you love suffers from type 2 diabetes, then you understand the challenges that come with this disease. Despite adhering to a medication regimen and making positive lifestyle changes, those dealing with diabetes might still struggle with managing blood sugar levels. Frustration and fatigue can be constant companions. But did you know that acupuncture can help

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Examining the Synergy of Acupuncture and Meditation

Examining the Synergy of Acupuncture and Meditation

If you suffer from stress and anxiety (and really, who doesn’t?) and you are looking for better and holistic ways to cope, you might want to consider the combination of meditation and acupuncture. While there is a big difference between the two, what they bring together is a formidable duo in pursuit of complete wellbeing. 

650-206-8116 Directions Contact/Schedule